Posted on July 13, 2011 by Frances Tse
Comprehensive review of the NSW planning system
Following the recent changes to the planning system in NSW, particularly those in relation to Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and planning controls in relation to affordable housing, the State Government has announced that it will commence its foreshadowed ‘comprehensive review’ of the NSW planning system.
The Government has announced that the review will see the introduction of a new framework for planning, including draft new planning legislation by the second half of 2012.
The stated purpose of the review is to ensure that the NSW planning system is simplified to deal with current and future planning and development issues in circumstances where the existing legislation has become increasingly complex through numerous amendments made to it over the past 31 years.
The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has indicated that the review will include a substantial opportunity for the involvement of community, local government and key stakeholders. The input provided will be instrumental in identifying the key principles and objectives of the new system and new draft legislation.
A Planning Review Panel will be established chaired by Tim Moore, Senior Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court and Ron Dyer, former NSW Minister. The panel will oversee the review process and provide independent advice to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and will also be the liaison point for the community and key stakeholders.
We will provide further updates as this review progresses. You can read our previous posts on the recent legislative changes in relation to major developments here and here, and in relation to affordable housing here.
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