Posted on January 31, 2017 by and Matthew McNamara

tell us what you think…

During January, LTL published its 400th in focus article.

On behalf of us all at LTL, I’d like to thank you for your support over the last 6 years – 231,000 pages have been read during that time and readership continues to grow month after month. I’d also like to thank everyone at LTL for their continuing efforts at producing what we hope are targeted, clear and useful articles.

While we could spend some time patting ourselves on the back for reaching this milestone, we know we can always do better, so it seems more productive to take the time to ask you what you think of our articles and our service as a whole.

So please use the comments section to let us know what you what you think about what we are publishing and what you would like to see more of on our pages. Be as long or short as you like – we value all feedback. Comments will be moderated to avoid the spammers, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see your comment on the site straight away.

Thanks in advance….(and if you haven’t yet taken advantage of our free automatic notification each time we publish an article, now would be a great time to subscribe)

– Matthew McNamara