Posted on November 2, 2011 by

NSW Planning Review

As part of the NSW Planning System Review, submissions are being encouraged from members of the public and community groups in four key areas:

  • What should be the underpinning objectives and philosophy of a new legislative structure?
  • How should plan making be undertaken – at what levels and what are the types of plans that should be made; what participatory rights should exist during the plan making process; how should the plans that are made give effect to the philosophy and objectives underpinning the legislative framework; and what other instruments and the like should be used?
  • How should applications for proposals for development be assessed and determined – including whether or not there should be different streams for different types of development proposals; who should make the decisions and at what level should those decisions be made; and what external rights for participation in the assessment system should be provided for other persons or interest groups?
  • What should be the availability of conciliation, mediation, neutral evaluation, review or appeal from determinations concerning development proposals and at what stages during the assessment and determination process should they be able to be accessed and by whom?

A number of submissions have already been made.  Amongst other things, the submissions advocate for  a simplification of the planning laws, greater consideration of climate change, greater local control in the planning process, and better community engagement at an earlier stage in the process. There have also been calls for improvement of the current enforcement provisions.

The closing date for submissions is 4 November 2011 which can be made using this form.