Posted on April 8, 2011 by Stuart Simington
Public service arrangements under new Government
The new Government has made a number of changes to the names of Departments and the structure of the NSW public service (Order of the Governor).
The changes, took effect on 4 April 2011 and include the following:
- The former Department of Planning is now known as the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
- The following former Land and Property Management Authority (LPMA) bodies have been integrated into the Department:
- Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority,
- Hunter Development Corporation,
- Central Coast Regional Development Corporation,
- Luna Park Reserve Trust, and
- Office of Strategic Lands.
- The Office of Environment and Heritage has been established as a separate office within the Department of Premier and Cabinet and incorporates:
- the Heritage Branch of the Department of Planning, and
- the former Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW).
- The following staff and offices are now also incorporated into the Department of Premier and Cabinet:
- Office of Western Sydney
- Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust,
- Parramatta Park Trust,
- Western Sydney Parklands Trust and the Historic Houses Trust,
- staff of the LPMA employed to enable the Lake Illawarra Authority to exercise its functions.
- The Department of Primary Industries is established as a new Department and comprises:
- the group of staff principally involved in the administration of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Soil Conservation Act 1938 and other Acts administered by the Minister for Primary Industries,
- the Office of Rural Affairs,
- the group of staff from the Department of Industry and Investment principally involved in the administration of legislation administered by the Minister for Primary Industries,
- the Office of Water
- the Marine Parks Secretariat,
- the staff involved in the administration of the Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003, and
- the group of staff principally involved in the management or administration of spatial data.
- The Department of Industry and Investment has changed its name to the Department of Trade and Infrastructure, Regional Investment and Services.
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