

Zombie Development: Acting on Old Development Consents

2 Aug, 2022

In recent years concerns have been raised by residents and environmentalists about ‘zombie’ housing estates in bushland areas along the NSW South Coast, including in the coastal towns of Manyana, Broulee and Tuross Head. The issue was back in the…

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How is light pollution regulated in NSW?

21 Oct, 2021

It has been claimed that artificial light at night is the fastest growing pollutant in the world.  And whether or not that is demonstrably the case, it does seem that relatively little has been written about how law and policy…

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Time Limited Consents and Coastal Hazards

29 Jan, 2019

The Department of Planning’s publication, Coastal Planning Guideline: Adapting to Sea Level Rise, states that time limited development consents are an option to allow for the occupation of coastal lands until they are compromised by coastal hazards. Such development consents have often…

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