

Excluded information and invalid GIPA Act applications

24 Oct, 2021

The objective of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (Act) is generally to maintain and advance a system of responsible government that is open and accountable and facilitates access to government information to the public. Although the Act provides…

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Parliament passes legislation to strengthen and tighten ICAC

8 Oct, 2015

The NSW Parliament has enacted legislation which amends the  Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 (ICAC Act). The Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Act 2015 (Amendment Act) was assented to and commenced on 28 September 2015. The Amendment Act clarifies the jurisdiction and powers of…

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ICAC and the Planning Review

27 Mar, 2012

In response to ‘The Way Ahead for Planning in NSW? Issues Paper of the NSW Planning System Review’: (December 2011) (Review), the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has prepared a submission entitled ‘Anti- Corruption Safeguards and the Planning System’, February,…

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