Last week the Local Government Amendment (Rural and Remote Councils) Bill 2024 (Bill) was passed by NSW Parliament. Once it commences, the Bill will insert a new Schedule 11 to the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) that will create a…
Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019 (PBP) is often considered by consent authorities when dealing with development applications proposed on bush fire prone land, either by reason of section 4.14 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act) or when…
Where a development is only permissible with a development consent under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (EPA Act) and is also an activity under s68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (LG Act), uncertainty often arises as…
REMINDER: Footpath hazards – when is a Council protected from Liability under the Civil Liability Act?
In a recent decision, the District Court found that a Council was not liable to a plaintiff who had tripped on a raised paver in a park in Redfern. This case is a useful reminder of the various protections councils…
A guide on powers of entry: residential premises
Authorised Council officers are given broad powers to enter and search premises under a range of legislation, including the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act), the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and the Protection of the Environment…
On 15 December 2023, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (LG Reg) was amended by the Local Government (General) Amendment (Tendering) Regulation (No 2) 2023 (Amending Regulation) to protect the employment of workers who provide domestic and waste management services contracts….
The Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023 (the Act) was recently passed by the New South Wales Parliament, and has commenced operation. The purpose of this landmark legislation is to give effect to the commitments under the 2015 Paris…
The State Government is restructuring certain government departments including the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). The division of responsibilities of the DPE is to be reallocated amongst other departments as set out below. The proposed changes are set out…
The Department of Planning and Environment (Department) recently published the NSW Coastal Design Guidelines 2023 (Coastal Design Guidelines) and the Coastal Crown Land Guidelines 2023 (Coastal Crown Land Guidelines). Coastal Design Guidelines We previously discussed a draft of the Coastal…
Note: This blog was first published in January 2013. It has been updated to reflect changes in the law since then. Resident objectors have a unique role in development appeals in Class 1 of the Land & Environment Court’s jurisdiction….
Introduction On 10 November 2023, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Flood Planning) Regulation 2023 (EPA Reg Amendment) was published on the NSW legislation website. It amended the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (EPA Reg) and replaced references to the Floodplain…
New approach to calculating fees for development as ‘estimated development costs’ – commencing 4 March 2024
The NSW government recently introduced a new approach to development costs in response to the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s Operation Dasha report, which recommended changes to improve transparency and reduce the risk of corruption. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment…