The Local Government (General) Amendment Regulation 2022 (NSW) (Amendment Reg) commenced on 10 June 2022. It inserts a new section 170A into the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (NSW) (LG Reg). The new section increases the tendering exemption threshold for…
Government at all levels frequently enters contracts with individuals as independent contractors rather than as employees. In construing whether these contracts achieve this intent the courts have tended to look at the whole of the relationship, not just the terms…
Effective procurement procedures are important to ensure that local government procurement delivers the best value for money for the community and avoids or minimises the potential for fraud and conflicts of interest. The current regulatory environment is set out in…
The recent New South Wales Court of Appeal (‘Court‘) decision in Secure Parking Pty Ltd v Woollahra Municipal Council [2016] NSWCA 154, is one of the few cases which deals with the creation of a contract in the context of Part 7 of…