

Proposed reforms to the Education SEPP on exhibition

25 Nov, 2020

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is currently exhibiting proposed reforms to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017 (Education SEPP). The proposed amendments are part of the NSW Government’s Planning Reform Action…

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Easements over Public Land

25 Nov, 2020

Section 88K of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (‘s88K‘) enables the Supreme Court to grant an easement over land in circumstances where such an easement is reasonably necessary for the effective use or development of the land which is to have…

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Are all Drainage Reserves Classified as Operational Land?

14 Oct, 2020

Drainage reserves vested in local councils are public land as defined in the Local Government Act 1993 (‘LG Act‘). All public land must be classified as either community or operational under the LG Act. The Registrar-General’s Guidelines under section 12D of the…

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UPDATE- Native Title Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

8 Nov, 2019

The Native Title Legislation Amendment Bill 2019  (‘Bill‘) was reintroduced into Parliament on 17 October 2019. The Bill introduces a number of reforms to the native title system under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). A previous iteration of the Bill…

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